Suddenly it’s winter: Temperature forecasts for the coming weeks

Frosty weather
Suddenly it’s winter: Temperature forecasts for the coming weeks

Suddenly, wintry and frosty temperatures prevail outside

© morgan23 / Getty Images

Does it stay like this now? That’s the question many Germans ask themselves as they sit shivering in houses and apartments that have often not yet been heated. It’s suddenly frosty and uncomfortable outside.

Suddenly it was cold. Sure, that can happen at the end of November – but before that it had been so mild in Germany that the frosty weather came as a surprise. And given the current heating and energy costs, many people may not necessarily welcome it. That’s why many are asking the question: will it stay like this now? Frost until spring? Or is it just a cold spell that will end soon?

The German Weather Service has the answers: According to the weather experts, it will be uncomfortable again in large parts of Germany. Especially in the north and north-east, people have to be prepared for sleet and clouds at the beginning of the week with maximum values ​​between zero and five. But even if it stays cool, the sun comes through more and more – and so we can at least look forward to a blue winter sky in the middle of the week.

Winter weather with danger of black ice

The weather service also predicts snow in the mountains. In the middle and in the south of the country it will be cloudy and rainy. Only in the east can the sun show itself at the beginning of the week. The temperatures there rise to five to ten degrees.

Attention: In many areas, due to the temperatures around the freezing point, black ice can form!

In the long run, however, it will not be really mild again for the time being. Although the temperatures in most regions of the country do not fall well below zero degrees, they mostly remain in the uncomfortable range of between three and eight degrees. If you don’t like it at all: Perhaps a comforting thought is that the shortest day of the year is “already” in December – and once you’ve got that behind you, you almost feel like you’ve survived the winter.

Source: DPA, German Weather Service


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