Stunning images of the May 16 lunar eclipse

All those who got up early this morning in Europe, under a beautiful clear sky of May, were won over by the spectacle, always marvelous, ofa lunar eclipse. A partial eclipsecertainly, and too short, until the rising, opposite, of thestar of the day, but so photogenic, with this incredible atmosphere of a Moon which seems partly nibbled away or erased erased, soaking in the bath of the soft gleams ofdawn. An obviously very beautiful and poetic moment that many curious people, amateurs and professionals, did not fail to share on the social networks. The images are abundant, and many, taken with much meticulousness and a certain sense of the composition and the balance of the lightare authoritative, gracefully translating the movement of our natural satellite through the cast shadow of the Earth, as well as its red and purplish hues cast upon it when the rays of the Sun were crossing theatmosphere land (variable shades depending on the dust in the atmosphere, on the limbo of the earth).

In Western Europe, those who followed him had only a small bite of the spectacle, compared to the regions best placed on the Globe to admire him from beginning to end: this ranges from northeastern Canada to Patagonia, via the West Indies. And in space too, the Moon has transformed into an unrecognizable star, forcing the occupants of the Space station to suspend their work to contemplate and photograph it through the portholes.

Next appointment for a partial lunar eclipse visible in metropolitan France… June 12, 2029!

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