Study: Scientists let lonely parrots make video calls

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Over 20 million parrots are kept as pets in the United States. These birds are highly intelligent and have complex social, cognitive, and emotional needs. In the wild, most parrot species usually live in large flocks, but in captivity they often live alone and often have no opportunity for socialization with other birds. Now, in one study, video calls were set up between parrots, allowing them to make friends and meet their social needs. The researchers have developed an experimental setup that enables parrots to make video calls to other parrots. The result of a three-month study with 15 ornamental birds was promising for the researchers: Not only did each of the birds use the system, most of the birds showed a high level of motivation and expressed the desire to make phone calls independently. The study’s human companions found the experience life-changing, as the birds learned to forage and even fly by watching others. The researchers now want to develop technical and ethical framework conditions in order to continue their research.

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