Study: IMF analysis: AI will change a lot of jobs

IMF analysis: AI will change a lot of jobs

A new study by the IMF looks at the possible influence of artificial intelligence on various jobs. (Symbolic image) photo

© Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

The extent to which artificial intelligence will change everyday working life cannot yet be fully predicted. A newly published study by the IMF now provides an outlook on possible consequences.

Software based on artificial intelligence is, according to the… International Monetary Fund (IMF) have far-reaching consequences for jobs and salaries. In developed economies, AI could influence around 60 percent of jobs, according to an IMF study published yesterday (local time).

In around half of these, the use of artificial intelligence is likely to have a positive effect with higher productivity, it said. In the other half, AI could take over tasks that are currently carried out by humans. This could lead to fewer available jobs and lower salaries in these areas.

The IMF also warned of more inequality: In the same fields, workers who do well with AI could hope for higher salaries – while others fall behind. The IMF sees better opportunities for employees with higher education to end up in jobs where artificial intelligence has a positive influence.

In low-income countries, the Monetary Fund sees around 26 percent of jobs potentially severely affected by artificial intelligence – and in emerging countries it is around 40 percent. At the same time, the IMF restricted that these were only forecasts based on calculation models and that some factors were difficult to predict – such as the possible emergence of new industries and how quickly AI would spread.


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