Study: households could save millions of tons of carbon dioxide

Households could save millions of tons of carbon dioxide

Smoke rises from chimneys on the roofs of apartment buildings on a cold winter morning. Photo: Jan Woitas / dpa

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According to an analysis by the consulting firm Energy Brainpool, consumers could save more than eleven million tons of carbon dioxide in the coming year if they implement their climate protection plans.

According to a study, German consumers could save more than eleven million tons of carbon dioxide in 2022 if they implement their climate protection plans for mobility, heating and electricity.

This is the result of an analysis by the consulting firm Energy Brainpool on behalf of the energy provider Eon. The basis is a representative survey by the opinion research company Civey of 3,000 citizens on the subject of electricity and mobility and of 10,000 people on the subject of heating. The determined potential CO2 savings are above the current annual emission values ​​of German cities with a population of over a million, such as Cologne or Munich, said Eon in Munich.

Accordingly, to the question “Are you planning to switch to a 100 percent green electricity tariff in the coming year 2022?” 6.1 percent of those surveyed say yes. So far, the respondents have not been green electricity customers. With the help of other sources, Energy Brainpool determined a CO2 saving potential of 2.4 million tons projected for Germany. The question “Are you planning to switch to an electric car in the coming year 2022?” 5.7 percent of drivers license holders without an e-car answered in the affirmative. The experts calculated a possible carbon dioxide saving of 3.6 million tons. Also on the subject of heating, only people who can decide on their type of heating were surveyed. 24.4 percent of those surveyed said they wanted to switch to a climate-friendly type of heating in 2022. This could save 5.3 million tons of carbon dioxide.

According to the Federal Association of Energy and Water Management, there were more than 1,300 electricity providers in Germany in 2020. According to the Federal Network Agency, household customers could choose an average of 142 electricity providers in their respective network area in 2020. Almost 30 percent of all households will be using green electricity in 2020.


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