Students sometimes suffer from anxiety due to Corona – Bavaria

After the restrictions caused by the pandemic, student teachers sometimes suffer from anxiety. This is the result of a study among students in Augsburg. A questionnaire was sent to more than 1200 freshmen semesters for the study at the chair for school pedagogy at the University of Augsburg, almost 400 students, and thus a third, took part in the study. For the study, Professor Klaus Zierer took over a questionnaire from Christopher Newport University in the USA, which is now used in several countries.

According to Zierer, the majority of students do not have any additional anxiety due to the corona crisis. “However, around 15 percent of teacher training students achieve a striking value and thus show a dysfunctional state of anxiety.” The Augsburg results coincided with international studies from the USA, Italy, Turkey and Korea. Due to the pandemic, students in particular are faced with uncertainty as to how things will continue, said Zierer. In the phase of finding a existence, you had almost two corona years behind you. Corona fears for those affected are always fears of their existence and the future.

Zierer is also intensively concerned with the effects of the Corona restrictions on school lessons and recently published the book “A year to forget – How we prevent the educational catastrophe after Corona”. It is not about falling into “alarmism”, but about looking ahead, writes Zierer. The educational scientist wants to provide approaches for “rethinking schools”. Zierer is not concerned with detailed questions such as the technical equipment of schools. Studies have shown that the pupils’ joy is not the best, he reports. “In this respect, it is time to make it (joy) the leitmotif for upbringing and teaching.” Joy is “the elixir of education par excellence”.

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