Strike: EVG wants to paralyze rail traffic for 50 hours from Sunday (video)

Watch the video: Strike – EVG wants to paralyze rail traffic for 50 hours from Sunday.

O-ton Cosima Ingenschay, EVG collective bargaining board: “In this round, we are primarily concerned with higher wages, because that is appropriate in the situation in which employees in the railway industry urgently need to take a step forward. But we see that the negotiations in the vast majority of companies are very tough. In some cases, we still have no negotiable offers. It is well known that we are still wrestling with Deutsche Bahn AG over the issue of the minimum wage. The patience of the employees is real now ended after almost three months. And that’s why we are calling for a third warning strike on our members nationwide from Sunday evening, 10 p.m. to Tuesday night, midnight, in all areas.” – CUT – “There are exceptions. There are companies where we have already been able to make good or significant progress at the negotiating table. We exclude them. Of course, we also exclude the companies where we negotiate. When we negotiate, we don’t go on strike. And Of course, everyone must have the opportunity to continue to make improvements.If it is foreseeable that we will make significant progress in the negotiations, we will of course exclude the company in question, because the strike is always the last resort for us and of course we are there We also attach great importance to proportionality. But the employees are very angry. That is why we assume that participation in this third warning strike will again be very large. That means there will be massive effects.” – CUT – “Of course we don’t want to hit the passengers. We know that we do that. Especially with a 50-hour strike, that’s of course very annoying for the passengers. But we have to go on strike for this length, because then we’ll just have stronger ones have economic effects and can increase the pressure as a result. Traffic jams will arise in the area of ​​​​freight transport, which will then actually lead to economic pressure, which we obviously need to get things moving in the negotiations.”

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