Strike at ZDF: “Morgenmagazin” is canceled – no “Moma” on ARD either

“The ZDF morning magazine is on strike and has to be canceled” – that’s what ARD and ZDF show instead

Dunja Hayali puts viewers off until the next day – on December 13, 2022 she will not appear in front of the camera due to a strike.

© Michael Kappeler / Picture Alliance

The television ritual of millions of people has to be canceled on Tuesday morning – because the ZDF morning show is on strike. Films are now running on ZDF, and ARD uses old reports. The “Moma” pauses for a day.

Reported at 6:31 a.m ZDF on Twitter: “Our morning magazine is currently on strike and has to be cancelled.” The journalist too Dunja Hayali writes: “The #moma is canceled today – warning strike! See you again tomorrow.” And indeed: Neither the ARD nor the ZDF broadcast the popular breakfast format, but use the archive. Viewers were left in the dark for an unusually long time, because the relevant information only appeared around seven o’clock – and is not displayed continuously. Anyone who – as is often the case with early-morning formats – just taps in briefly might think that everything is normal.

Morning magazine from ARD and ZDF: Viewers criticize poor communication

Criticism is mounting on social networks that both broadcasters are providing insufficient information about the current situation. There they want to know where and until when the strike is going on and demands current broadcast information – but both broadcasters are keeping a low profile.

Union reports ZDF warning strike until 10:30 a.m

More information is available at Media Union of the Association of Radio, Film and Television Producers (VRFF). There it says in explanation: “As with the ARD broadcasters recently, there is not really anything moving in the wage negotiations at ZDF either. That is why the VRFF-ZDF is also going on a warning strike together with the DJV and verdi unions! From 3 a.m. to At 10.30 a.m. the employees will stop their work. There will be food and warm drinks in front of the ZDF high-rise building. The VRFF, the media union at federal level, as well as the individual company groups, declare their unlimited solidarity with the ZDF warning strikers!”

On the websites of the German Association of Journalists (DJV) and Verdi, there is currently nothing to be found about the ongoing strike. According to the VRFF, the work stoppage will last for the entirety of today’s broadcasting time and – apart from the news – there will be no current content to see.

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