Strengthen plant health – with the power of algae

Particularly noteworthy is Mairol’s organic product line, especially the BioAlgae plant vital product. The innovative formula harnesses the power of the Atlantic Ocean and vitalizes plants in a biologically sustainable way. The use of fresh, renewable seaweed as the main ingredient shows Mairol’s commitment to environmental protection and ecological responsibility.

By accelerating photosynthetic processes in plants, Mairol BioAlgae helps increase growth and revitalize soil activity. The plants are supplied with a variety of microelements and nutrients to optimally support their growth. The high yield of all Mairol products also ensures efficient use and reduces long-term costs for gardeners.

With Mairol BioAlgae Plant Vitality you not only bring the power of the ocean into your garden, but also promote the health and vitality of plants in a natural way. Discover the power of nature with Mairol and let your plants shine in new splendor. Another advantage of Mairol premium fertilizers is the addition of trace elements, phytohormones and important vitamins in all products to promote cell growth and plant health.

Mairol and BALLISTOL – a strong community

Already knew? Mairol belongs to the BALLISTOL group and is produced by the manufacturer of the well-known Ballistol universal oil. Let your plants shine with Mairol premium fertilizers, and your tools and garden equipment with Ballistol universal oil. Both traditional brands fit together very well. While Mairol has existed for over 100 years, BALLISTOL is celebrating a double anniversary this year: 150 years of company history and 120 years of Ballistol universal oil. The universal oil is still produced according to the unchanged original recipe from 1904, is harmless to humans, animals and nature and is biodegradable. You care for your equipment without harming the environment.

As befits a traditional family business based in Lower Bavaria, the anniversary will be celebrated with a big open day. “We are looking forward to welcoming many visitors from near and far on Saturday, July 20th, and will be giving them a look behind the scenes. A corresponding supporting program will also be put together. The visit is definitely worth it for young and old,” says Andreas Zettler, commercial director at BALLISTOL.

A can of Ballistol universal oil stands on a workbench on which a hedge trimmer is being oiled

Innovation, quality and success remain the cornerstones of BALLISTOL GmbH. With a motivated team, high-quality products and the pursuit of modern solutions, the company will continue to set standards in the future. Because one thing is certain: the story of BALLISTOL and Mairol is far from over.

Further information about BALLISTOL can be found at

Ballistol logo in red color with claim "It works"BALLISTOL GmbH
Ballistolweg 1
D-84168 Aham
Telephone: +49 (0) 8744 – 96 99 0
Fax: +49 (0) 8744 – 96 99 96
Email: [email protected]

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