Streaming: With “Slow Horses” Apple TV + makes the thriller cool again

“Slow Horses”: The courage to stream a crime series of all things in 2022

The “Slow Horses” main actors at the premiere. Center: Gary Oldman

© Ian West / Picture Alliance

We know detective stories from the early evening programs of the public broadcasters, they are usually just as trivial as they are popular and generally rather unsexy for viewers under 40. The Slow Horses series on Apple TV+ is trying to change that.

Most of us subscribe to Netflix. Some certainly also Amazon Prime to see likeable hit series like “Mrs. Maisel” or “Clarkson’s Farm”. Or Disney+, for the various “Star Wars” spin-offs. But Apple TV+? Admit it, you probably didn’t even realize that there is now a streaming service there too. And yes, of course it’s kind of annoying to have to choose between all these providers. Nevertheless: You should at least take a look at Apple TV+ – because series production is being approached there with astonishing ambition.

The first season of the surprise hit “Severance”, a fabulously cast and highly aesthetically filmed thriller series with suspense, humor and warmth, recently ended there. Directed by Ben Stiller. The group’s second prestige project is currently underway: “Slow Horses”. And there’s a lot about this crime series that’s so unusual, too, that it’s a real joy to watch.

“Slow Horses”: Spy thriller, but sexy

thriller? Isn’t that kind of dusty? And then it also takes place in London, in the spy milieu, and the main character is a creaky, uncouth guy (Gary Oldman) in a dingy trench coat. It all sounds kind of like someone made it up in the 70’s, doesn’t it? I agree. But the show plays with that, lets some entertaining clichés get away with it and makes up for it elsewhere with elegant zeitgeist. And in addition to warm-heartedly told human conflicts, it really relies on real tension that “Tatort” viewers haven’t known for a long time.

It centers on a team of MI5 agents, each in their own way disgraced by a misstep, left to do tedious clerical work in a seedy outpost away from the real action. Due to their grueling service at the Slough House, they have been given the derogatory nickname “Slow Horses”. But suddenly the deported outsiders are again involved in the most heated espionage activities – when the head of MI5 overdoes herself in a double game and the nephew of a foreign diplomat finds his life in danger.

As a spectator, you have to stay alert

“Slow Horses” also plays with expectations in that nothing is told “slowly”. As a viewer you have to be careful and stay attentive and also accept that not every character is introduced to you in detail right at the beginning. You have to think along, be on the go like the characters. The main drivers here are the conscientious young River Cartwright (Jack Lowden) and his morose boss, Jackson Lamb (Oldman). On the other side is MI5 boss Diane Taverner (Kristin Scott Thomas) – and everyone is trying to save the young Hassan Ahmed (Antonio Aakeel).

The only thing that one could criticize – with a lot of wantonness – is the character of Jackson Lamb, who in the first few episodes seems like a drinking, belching, bullying foreign body within the exciting events. Until he is finally allowed to become the acting character himself and suddenly everything comes together beautifully. Otherwise, it’s a real pleasure to watch and appreciate the series creators’ determination and sense of style.

Apple TV + was apparently satisfied with the audience’s reaction so far – a second season is currently being filmed. By the way, another detail shows how sure you were that well-done productions will also be successful: The title track to “Slow Horses”, the dirty-bluesy one “Strange Game” is sung by none other than Mick Jaggerwho recorded the song exclusively for the series.

“Slow Horses: A Case for Jackson Lamb” streams on Apple TV+

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