Streaming: Teaser released for series about the Sex Pistols

Teaser for Sex Pistols series released

Danny Boyle dives into the 70s. Photo: Monika Skolimowska/dpa

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For a time, the Sex Pistols were considered public enemies number one in England. Now Danny Boyle has made a series about the legendary punk band. There was trouble beforehand.

Almost two months before the start of a new TV series about the legendary British punk band Sex Pistols, a first teaser has been released.

The six-part miniseries “Pistol” by director Danny Boyle (“Trainspotting”) is based on the autobiography of Sex Pistols guitarist Steve Jones and will be shown on the Disney + streaming service from May 31st.

“Pistol” had previously caused trouble among the former bandmates. Singer John Lydon aka Johnny Rotten, a declared opponent of the series, had tried to prevent the Sex Pistols’ music from being used for it. Jones and drummer Paul Cook then went to court against Lydon and were right.

In an interview with the German Press Agency, the former Sex Pistols frontman also sharply criticized director Danny Boyle. “I am shocked and disappointed that Mr. Boyle accepted such a project without full approval,” Lydon told dpa. About Jones he scolded: “He’s after the money.”

Shortly before the start of the series a new compilation with 20 old recordings of the Sex Pistols from the years 1976 to 1978 will be released, which will be heard in the series. “The Original Recordings” will include the singles “Anarchy In The UK”, “God Save The Queen”, “Pretty Vacant” and “Holidays In The Sun” from the influential album “Never Mind The Bollocks” as well as some B-sides of time included.


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