Storms: Squalls cause countless missions – one dead

Squalls cause countless missions – one dead

Floods occurred in Bremerhaven. Photo: – / Nord-West-Media TV / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

In northern Germany you are used to a lot of wind. The storm becomes uncomfortable when it becomes hurricane-like. For a driver, the stormy night ends fatally.

Heavy squalls yesterday and until early morning caused numerous fire and police operations, especially in northern Germany.

An accident with an uprooted tree on the B4 near Wesendorf in Lower Saxony ended fatally for a driver yesterday. A tree that overturned due to heavy squalls fell on the 63-year-old’s car – a convertible with a fabric roof, the police said. The man died at the scene of the accident. His 35-year-old son got away with minor injuries.

The Hamburg fire brigade recorded 36 storm operations by early evening, which, according to the location service, ranged from fallen branches to tarpaulin flying around to overturned scaffolding. The situation was manageable, it said. Nobody was injured. The night remained quiet despite light floods and other smaller operations due to overturned objects, as the spokesman for the situation center said early Thursday morning.

Fallen trees and property damage

In Schleswig-Holstein squalls caused fallen trees on the roadway and fallen objects such as barriers, as a spokesman said. There were therefore no injuries. In the south of the country alone, the emergency services had to move out almost 180 times, said the local spokesman for the control center. On the A1 between Bad Oldesloe (Stormarn district) and the Bargteheide motorway junction, the vehicle still has to be recovered after a truck accident. Due to the strong wind, this was not possible on Wednesday evening. The rescue will be postponed to Thursday morning, it said.

In Lower Saxony, the storm caused almost 40 missions, especially in and around Oldenburg, which, according to a police spokeswoman, also only resulted in property damage. There were also similar missions in Brandenburg. As a spokesman for the situation center in Potsdam announced, a tractor-trailer and two cars crashed into a tree lying on the road on the A24. Nobody was injured.

Squalls during the night also led to various fire brigade and police operations in Brandenburg. As a spokesman for the situation center in Potsdam announced, it was almost exclusively about fallen trees and kinked branches. On the A24, a tractor-trailer and two cars crashed into a tree lying on the road. Nobody was injured. Corona test tents were damaged by the wind in Doberlug-Kirchhain (Elbe-Elster district) and Frankfurt (Oder).


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