Storming of the US Capitol: Trump sues against the release of documents

Status: October 19, 2021 1:17 a.m.

Ex-US President Trump has sued that documents relating to the storming of the Capitol are published. Meanwhile, the investigative committee is considering indicting Trump’s ex-advisor Bannon.

Former US President Donald Trump wants to prevent the release of documents ordered by his successor Joe Biden to assault his supporters on the Capitol with a lawsuit. In the complaint, Trump accuses Biden of making records available to the Congressional Committee of Inquiry on “an almost limitless scale”.

With a “political trick” he wanted to please his clientele by refusing to assert executive privilege “for clearly privileged documents requested by the committee”.

Lawsuit against Bannon?

The committee of inquiry wants to determine how it came about the storm of the Capitol by supporters of Trump on January 6th, when in Congress the certification of the election victory of Biden was on the agenda. Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon disregarded a summons from the committee of inquiry last Thursday.

Today the panel wants to vote on whether there should be criminal charges against him for disregarding the subpoena. But that would only be the first step. If the committee recommends an indictment, the plenary session in the predominantly democratic House of Representatives would have to do the same.

The final decision on whether or not there will be an indictment rests with the Justice Department. Bannon was to be asked about a conversation he had with Trump before his supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

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