Storm on Pentecost Sunday over BW

Heavy thunderstorms made for a rainy Pentecost weekend. But there was no major damage. The weather service expects new storms on Monday.

Storms swept over Baden-Württemberg on the Pentecost weekend: on Pentecost Sunday there was already heavy rain and severe thunderstorms in Baden-Württemberg.

Especially the Enzkreis affected

A violent storm swept across the Enzkreis on Sunday afternoon, sometimes with thunderstorms and hail. There were floods and traffic accidents. Basements were full. The police counted a total of 14 operations in the afternoon in Mühlacker, Eisingen, Ötisheim and Ölbronn-Dürrn, as the Pforzheim police headquarters announced in the evening. According to the police, among other things, dirt and debris were washed up and trees fell on the road. On the A8
are pushed out of the ground by aquaplaning manhole covers


A violent storm swept across the Enzkreis on Sunday afternoon, sometimes with thunderstorms and hail. There were floods and traffic accidents.

There had already been heavy rain, gusts of wind and hail on Saturday and during the night on Sunday. The weather conditions are caused by warm and humid air that has driven a depression over south-western Europe to Baden-Württemberg.

Hardly any improvement at the beginning of the week

Even on Whit Monday there is little hope of relaxation. Meteorologists are again expecting showers and isolated thunderstorms.

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