Storm in Pakistan: Several tourists froze to death in cars

Status: 08.01.2022 12:08 p.m.

At least 16 people in Pakistan froze to death on the way to a popular ski resort. Like thousands of others, they were stuck with their vehicles on impassable roads when heavy snowfall surprised them.

The region around the small Pakistani town of Murree is only around 65 kilometers northeast of Islamabad at an altitude of around 2300 meters. It is a popular travel destination for the capital city dwellers. Snowfall on Thursday apparently caused tens of thousands of people to make their way there for the weekend. The hotels were booked up quickly.

On the way there, heavy snowfall surprised those arriving on Friday. The roads to Muree became a death trap for at least 16 people, authorities said. According to civil defense, at least 21 people were killed. More than 120 centimeters of snow fell. Thousands of vehicles got stuck, temperatures dropped to minus eight degrees Celsius, people froze to death in their cars.

Pakistan: tourists trapped in the snow

(uncommented) Reuters, 8.1.2022 11:38 a.m.

Soldiers in action

Thousands of vehicles have since been freed from the snow, said Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, but many are still stuck.

The authorities declared a state of emergency for Murree and did not allow any further arrivals. All access roads have been blocked. Only rescue workers and vehicles that bring food for those trapped would be allowed through, said Ahmed. Soldiers specially trained for the mountains have been requested. The local authorities said that even the snow clearing vehicles could no longer get through.

Heavy snow until Sunday evening

Residents of the region help the tourists affected with food and blankets. According to the meteorologists, heavy snowfall must be expected until Sunday evening.

Murree attracts more than a million tourists annually. It is not uncommon for access roads to be blocked by snow in winter.

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