“Stop the guns and negotiate!” “, enjoins Gérard Depardieu

Gérard Depardieu, the peacemaker? “Russia and Ukraine have always been brother countries. I am against this fratricidal war. I say: “Stop the weapons and negotiate!”, Declared the French actor to AFP, which he himself contacted by telephone.

The actor, who has Russian nationality since 2013, is close to Vladimir Putin.

“Even if I still have French nationality and a French passport, I am now a Russian and Dubai citizen. But my life takes place most often in the Mediterranean, “he said last week in the columns of The Obs where he was promoting the film Maigret.

The deleted photo

After the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Gérard Depardieu had deleted from his social networks, without giving an explanation, a photo showing him alongside Vladimir Poutine.

Sunday, on RMC, Macha Méril, born into an aristocratic Russian family, had not been kind to her. Asked about the position that the artists, including Gérard Depardieu, having links with Russia, had to take, the actress replied: “Listen, let him get away with it! So him, I don’t know what situation he is in, but I hope he will realize. And anyway, he’s in France you know, it’s in France that he works. He may say he has sympathy for Russia, but it’s still here that he eats cheese and red wine, isn’t it? So he doesn’t bother us! »

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