Stoltenberg on the Ukraine crisis: According to NATO, Russia is looking for a pretext

Status: 02/20/2022 5:45 p.m

NATO has accused Russia of looking for a pretext to attack Ukraine. “The risk is increasing,” said Secretary General Stoltenberg in the Report from Berlin. French President Macron called the Kremlin again.

NATO continues to fear a Russian attack on Ukraine. In the past few days, there have been more and more violations of the ceasefire agreed in the Minsk peace agreement, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in an interview with the Report from Berlin.

The North Atlantic military alliance sees its fears confirmed by these violations, the mobilization in the self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, the evacuation of civilians and “false” allegations of genocide. NATO had predicted such developments, Stoltenberg emphasized in the ARD interview. Russia is trying to create a pretext to attack Ukraine.

It is also fitting that Russian troops are now staying in Belarus, which borders Ukraine in the north-west, for further maneuvers. According to NATO, around 30,000 Russian soldiers are stationed there alone.

According to Stoltenberg, it is not too late for Russia to turn around and change course. But the risk increases.

“Russia is trying to create a pretext for an invasion of Ukraine,” said NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg

tagesschau24 4:00 p.m., 20.2.2022

Praise for Macron’s efforts

Stoltenberg welcomed French President Emmanuel Macron’s efforts to find a political solution. Macron only spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin again in the afternoon. According to the French government, it was agreed to work quickly on a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine. When it came to responsibility for the escalation, opinions differed. Macron blames the pro-Russian separatists and Russia itself.

For its part, the Kremlin stressed that in the talks Putin blamed “provocations” by the Ukrainian army for the escalation in eastern Ukraine. The deliveries of modern weapons and ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces from the west are pushing “Kiev towards a military solution” in the conflict with the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, which has been going on since 2014.

“High price” for Russia

Stoltenberg also referred to Western support for Ukraine since Russia annexed Crimea. The Ukrainian army is much better trained and equipped than in 2014. The main purpose of NATO is to protect each other’s member states. Ukraine is not a NATO member and therefore does not have the same security guarantees. Nevertheless, Russia will pay a “high price” if it invades Ukraine.

USA rely on dialogue

The United States again emphasized that a diplomatic solution was being sought. “President Biden is always ready to engage with President Putin – in any format,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on US television.

Blinken himself is planning a meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov this week – on condition that Russia has not invaded Ukraine by then. “We’re doing everything we can, and it’s my responsibility to do everything I can diplomatically to prevent war,” Blinken said.

“Not forever an olive branch”

The EU remained willing to talk with Russia, but the thread of patience seems to be growing thin. EU Council President Charles Michel rejected ongoing peace offers. “We can’t offer an olive branch forever while Russia tests missiles and continues to deploy troops,” Michel said in his speech at the Munich Security Conference. The big question remains: “Does the Kremlin want dialogue?” the EU Council President added.

“We strongly support Ukraine” Charles Michel, President of the EU Council, on the current Ukraine-Russia crisis

tagesschau24 11:00 a.m., 20.2.2022

In the event of a Russian attack on Ukraine, Michel wants to call a special summit of European heads of state and government immediately. The Belgian said that they would ensure that sanctions were decided in full agreement.

Michel also said he had called for a pledging conference for Ukraine. The EU has already put together a package worth 1.2 billion euros. Ukraine should be brought closer to the EU. Russia is miscalculating if it thinks it can weaken the West and Ukraine.

According to Western information, Russia has concentrated around 150,000 soldiers on the border with neighboring Ukraine, but denies any plans of attack.

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