STERN survey: Germans think Biden is too old for a second term

star survey
Germany doubts whether Biden is fit enough for a second term in office

US President Joe Biden and Donald Trump both want to become the leader of the United States

© Jonathan Ernst / Stefan Jeremiah / Reuters / AP / DPA

Germans have serious doubts as to whether US President Joe Biden is fit enough for a second term in office. 68 percent consider the 81-year-old to be too old, according to a Forsa survey commissioned by star resulted. 29 percent don’t see it that way.

In the US, according to a recent Ipsos poll for ABC News, 86 percent are of the opinion that the Democratic politician is too old for another four years at the helm of the United States. Last week, a special counsel wrote about Biden that he seemed like a “well-meaning, older man with a poor memory.” This sparked renewed discussion about the US President’s health.

But the Germans also see the age of the likely opponent Donald Trump as a problem – albeit to a lesser extent. 57 percent say that the 77-year-old is too old for a second term. 38 percent don’t see it that way.

The data was collected by the market and opinion research institute forsa for stern and RTL Deutschland on February 12th and 13th. Database: 1003 respondents. Statistical margin of error: +/- 3 percentage points

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