stern-DISKUTHEK: Shoot wolves – or ban hunting? Vote

If wolves become a problem, the federal and state environment ministers have decided that they should be allowed to be killed more quickly in the future. As early as 2019, the question of wolf hunting moved an animal protection activist and a hunter in a debate. In the stern-DISKUTHEK they debate hunting, hobby hunters and of course the wolf. How would you have decided? Vote for yourself!

Can it be ecologically sustainable to kill animals? And do hunters even have to shoot certain animals like wolves to protect people? PETA activist Lisa Kainz and the passionate hunter Alena Steinbach debate in the new episode of stern-DISKUTHEK is committed and controversial about the topic.

Animal protection activist Kainz, for example, is of the opinion that we shouldn’t even talk about “hunting” – but rather about “killing”. And the question when it comes to meat consumption is not “what do I eat”, but rather “who do I eat”. After all, a living being has to die to eat meat, which is unnecessary and unethical. The animal rights activist generally rejects hunting; she demands that it should be banned in Germany. Many wild animals that are shot do not die immediately. Being shot, injured and with broken bones means a painful death. And after all, nature doesn’t need hunting. Animal populations regulate themselves when humans leave them alone. This also applies to the wolf.

Huntress warns: The wolf can become a danger

Huntress Steinbach has a completely different opinion. From their point of view, hunters perform an important function – they regulate the animal population in a certain area, shoot sick and weak animals. From their point of view, the wolf can become a danger to other animals if it reproduces too much. Regulation of the wolf population by hunters is essential.

The amateur hunter argues that wolves are a big problem for shepherds and other farmers. Not even high electric fences stopped the wolf from going into a “blood frenzy” and killing livestock. The experiences of the last few years have shown this clearly. “I can really understand farmers and I also think it’s really dangerous – also for people,” said Steinbach on the subject of wolves.

The DISKUTHEK statements: How would you have decided?

Like in everyone star– DISCUSSION During the debate, the guests had to position themselves on three statements that were given to them. Now you too have the opportunity to do this. What are your views on hunting and sustainability? Vote!

The entire DISKUTHEK episode looks up and here on

You can find more information about the stern-DISKUTHEK here.


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