Stéphane Bern leaves the capital, “become a garbage can”

On the verge of celebrating his 58th birthday, Stéphane Bern has lived most of his life in Paris. But after two confinements spent in the Perche, where he has the former royal and military college of Thiron-Gardais (Eure-et-Loir), the host decided to leave the capital for good next month. He explains it in
an interview given to Parisian, denouncing bad behavior in everyday life and a city that has “become ugly”.

It was the coronavirus crisis that played the role of “trigger”, with the experience of daily life in the countryside which made him “happier”. But above all, the host expresses his fed up with the Parisians themselves. “You have to hear how people talk to each other. Traffic is an incredible source of tension. “Cyclists who do not respect any rule, scooters” abandoned anywhere “, scooters, cars … It is difficult to prove the” Mr. Heritage “wrong, who asks to think” a little about the elderly, the disabled, children “in the sharing of urban space. “In terms of living together, we gave up everything,” he regrets.

But Stéphane Bern goes further, denouncing a city “trash where people get rid of everything, anywhere” and says fear for street furniture, citing the examples of Davioud benches or fountains on the Champs-Elysées. “It’s still awful”, judges the host, who also regrets the old newsstands and the destruction of “our visual heritage”. Stéphane Bern does not charge the mayor Anne Hidalgo, ensuring to maintain “almost friendly relations with her”. For him, the main people responsible are “first of all the users” while the councilor “cannot put an ashtray and a trash can behind each inhabitant”.

The host is still a relay of the #SaccageParis movement on Twitter, which he describes as “whistleblowers”, denouncing a “blackmail” that environmentalists would do at the town hall and a growing “concreteization”. He thus calls on the mayor of Paris to “wake up [r] the beauty of this city ”in view of the Olympic Games of 2024, refusing to“ consider that the citizens who defend the heritage are frightful conservatives, or henchmen of the extreme right ”.

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