Stellantis plans 1,200 recruitments in France in production, engineering and commerce

New recruitments are expected in France by the automotive group Stellantis. “We recruited 1,050 people in 2022 in France and plan to recruit more in 2023,” said Xavier Chéreau, director of human resources for the group, in a press release on Monday. Stellantis, born from the merger of PSA (Peugeot, Citroën, Opel) with FCA (Fiat, Chrysler), has told the unions its intention to recruit 1,200 employees in France this year “for production, engineering and Trade “.

“The energy transition imposes an unprecedented evolution of the production tool with for certain sites complete reconversions, allowing to pass from the manufacture of heat engines, whose industrial and engineering activity continues in France, to the production electric motors or batteries of French technology”, underlines the group.

Automotive electrification

In 2022, 13,000 employees were trained in electrification, at the Trémery-Metz (Moselle) or Douvrin (Nord) sites. Stellantis is to inaugurate its first European battery factory on May 30 in Douvrin. 80 employees of the historic factory already work there, and “at least 400 employees” will have joined the factory in 2024.

The world’s sixth-largest automaker made the announcements as its payroll shrank in recent years. Before the merger in early 2021, the PSA and Fiat-Chrysler groups together had nearly 300,000 employees worldwide. Two years after the merger, at the end of 2022, more than 26,000 employees were no longer in the ranks of the company, which then had a total of 272,367 employees worldwide, according to Stellantis’ annual financial report.

These departures took place in particular in Europe. The company has reduced its footprint in this market, where it makes the bulk of its sales, while the bulk of the profits come from North America. The group, which recorded a record net profit of 16.8 billion euros in 2022, plans to redistribute 2 billion euros to its employees.

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