Steinmeier in Christmas speech: “We need people who get involved”

As of: December 24, 2023 12:00 a.m

In his Christmas speech, Federal President Steinmeier expressed understanding for the desire of many to ignore the depressing world situation. But democracy needs courage and cooperation – and clarity from those in charge.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier wants to look into the new year with confidence. Everyone longs for a more peaceful world, says Steinmeier in his Christmas speech. “I have them too. And I think we must never give them up.”

He hasn’t heard a sentence so often this year as this one: “I don’t watch the news anymore.” Many people told him about the need to switch off instead of letting the depressing world situation get to them. Steinmeier said he understands that sometimes it becomes too much.

Nevertheless, we need people who get involved and work to ensure that tomorrow what is not good today will be better. “There are so many people in our country who do exactly that, who put what they have in common over what divides them,” says Steinmeier.

75 years of the Basic Law

It is justified to expect clarity from those politically responsible – and that they struggle to find the right path. “But also that they provide answers that help us as a country.” But there are better advisors than anger and contempt when things get stressful in democracy. “Good advice includes courage and cooperation.”

Steinmeier reminds us that the Federal Republic will have been a democracy for 75 years next year: “Our Basic Law will be 75 years old. And it has applied to our entire reunified country for 34 years. That is a reason for all of us to celebrate.”

Master tasks together

Steinmeier said he didn’t want to imagine a Germany in which everyone withdrew. He is convinced: “As sensible and responsible people, we can cope together with a world that challenges us.” Together, tasks that our European neighbors also faced could be mastered. “We can and will succeed if we make an effort, if we stand together and stay together.”

Steinmeier calls on people in Germany not to close themselves off from one another. “Let’s not pull the blanket over our heads! Let’s not waste our strength in daily conflict with one another. Instead, let’s trust the strength and experience that lies within us.”

Federal President Steinmeier’s Christmas speech will be broadcast on Erste on December 25, 2023 at 8:10 p.m.

Jan Zimmermann, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, December 24th, 2023 12:06 a.m

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