Stealing Letters: The H in the Soup – Panorama

One can assume that the police in Celle did their research very conscientiously, case analysis, perpetrator profile, the whole program. Presumably, the investigators were able to quickly exclude the Greenpeace activists who once stole the C from the party headquarters from the group of suspects. In Celle, the profile of the perpetrator is different, the symbolism, the political message of the deed is missing. The C stands for Christian. But what, please, does the H from the old town hall stand for, which disappeared from its facade in downtown Celle in January?

Even asking colleagues in Bad Saulgau, Baden-Württemberg, will not have helped the investigators. The serious criminal who raped two adjacent shops there a few years ago (he stole an S from the Bussen baker and an R from the Frick butcher shop) is said to have an ingenious crime plan. Probably a sex offender.

The “Altes Rat aus” case in Celle is more reminiscent of the unknown person for whose seizure the Düsseldorf toilet paper manufacturer Hakle once offered a generous reward (2675 rolls of toilet paper). He or she had stolen the first letter from the company logo – somehow banal. But well, maybe you shouldn’t look for the H in the soup right away, it’s not always so clear with the messages. And anyway: where is the boundary between vandalism and art in public space?

Nobody in Celle has to deal with such questions anymore: the golden H has been back since Monday. Passers-by found it in a basement shaft.

Read more good news here.

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