State Theater Augsburg: Intendant André Bücker on the new building – Munich

André Bücker directs the State Theater Augsburg. A conversation about the escalating costs of the new building, the support of the population and how the theater is experimenting with new digital formats.


Yvonne Poppek, Augsburg

State director André Bücker’s contract has just been extended to 2028. Bücker, born in 1969, has been head of the theater since 2016, the venue of which was closed before he took office. The house on Kennedyplatz has to be renovated, especially the lack of fire protection made it impossible to continue operation. The costs were last estimated at around 300 million euros and will reopen in 2026. Bücker is currently juggling several interim venues, is diligently expanding the digital division and also has to steer his theater through the Corona crisis. How is it all going?

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