State elections in Schleswig-Holstein: ++ Who will rule in the future in the northernmost state? ++

live blog

Status: 05/08/2022 5:10 p.m

In the elections in Schleswig-Holstein, there are many indications that Prime Minister Günther’s CDU will win by a clear margin. But how do the other parties fare? All developments in the live blog.

5:10 p.m

CDU is favorite

According to the polls, Prime Minister Daniel Günther’s CDU can count on a clear victory. A coalition of CDU, Greens and FDP currently governs in the north. The government has high approval ratings. Günther personally is also popular with sympathizers from other parties. Polls see him as the most popular head of government in Germany.

The CDU and FDP support a new edition of the Jamaica coalition, but after the election it could also be enough for black-green or – much narrower – for black-yellow. After their victories in the federal elections and most recently in Saarland, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s SPD is now threatened with defeat again.

5:10 p.m

Voter turnout lower than 2017

In the state elections in Schleswig-Holstein, fewer people cast their votes by the early afternoon than in the election five years ago. By 2:00 p.m., voter turnout without postal voters was 36.8 percent, compared to 42.5 percent five years ago, the state returning officer said.

5:03 p.m

Lead candidates vote

Prime Minister Daniel Günther threw his ballot paper into the ballot box in the Eckernförde public works polling office. He hopes for a high turnout, said Günther. “I would be happy if the polls were confirmed and the CDU became by far the strongest force, because I would very much like to continue this government.”

Prime Minister Daniel Günther cast his vote in the morning.

Image: AFP

In the Eckernförde constituency, Günther ran directly against SPD top candidate Thomas Losse-Müller. He cast his vote in the morning at the Ahlefeld-Bistensee fire station.

The Greens’ top candidate Monika Heinold voted by letter so that Corona didn’t get in the way. She handed in her postal voting documents in the morning at the election office in the Hebbelschule in Kiel.

SPD top candidate Thomas Losse-Müller voted in the Ahlefeld-Bistensee fire station.

Image: dpa

Greens top candidate Monika Heinold handed in her postal voting documents.

Image: dpa

17:00 o’clock

What you should know about elections in Schleswig-Holstein

Schleswig-Holstein has experienced more exciting election campaigns than now. The question of who is the strongest political force already seems clear. This state election is still exciting, which is mainly due to the Greens and the FDP.

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