State election: removal for Martin Zeil. – District of Munich

With a large majority, the FDP members nominated the Grünwald entrepreneur Marco Deutsch, 60, as a direct candidate in the constituency Munich-Land Süd for the state elections in autumn 2023 on Thursday evening in the Pullach community center. Deutsch prevailed with 44 votes against Bavaria’s former Economics Minister Martin Zeil, 66, who surprisingly declared his willingness to run just two weeks ago, citing “numerous inquiries and encouragement” from the district of Munich.

This means that the field of applicants for the Liberals in the district is for the election next year and it corresponds to the ideas of district chairman Michael Ritz from Grünwald, who campaigned for both Deutsch and Katharina Diem, 34, from Kirchheim, as a direct candidate in the Munich-Land North constituency . Diem was able to prevail last week in the nomination in Grasbrunn with 16 to 14 votes against Veit Wiswesser, 64, from Unterföhring.

Deutsch thus succeeds as a direct candidate Focus-Founder Helmut Markwort. The FDP district board had clearly signaled to the incumbent senior president of the state parliament that he could not rely on support for a renewed application in the southern district. The 85-year-old is now trying to re-enter the state parliament by running for office in the Freising district.

At the nomination event on Thursday evening in Pullach, Zeil advertised his longstanding commitment to “freedom, the rule of law and a social market economy” – this combination forms the “DNA” of the liberals. The current crises cannot be solved by “know-it-all”, rather it is about preventing the collapse of the economy and Europe. Above all, he wants to work for the district of Munich, which he feels closely connected to, says the man from Gauting.

Deutsch countered that he wanted to be a member of the state parliament for everyone, “for old and young”. He wants to show presence in the district with a citizens’ office. As an entrepreneur, he learned to motivate. Bavaria must maintain and expand its attractiveness as a business location, which also includes better childcare and education. “Bavaria needs politicians who stand by their actions and take responsibility,” said Deutsch.

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