State board of the Berlin CDU votes for coalition negotiations with the SPD

After soundings

CDU board votes for coalition negotiations with SPD

Picture: imago-images/Funke Photo Services

A coalition of the CDU and SPD in Berlin is becoming increasingly likely. On Thursday, the state board of the Christian Democrats spoke out in favor of coalition talks with the SPD – unanimously.

The Berlin CDU will start coalition negotiations with the SPD. The party’s state executive spoke out in favor of forming a black-red alliance in the capital on Thursday afternoon.

The board of directors voted unanimously to start coalition negotiations, the CDU Berlin tweeted in the late afternoon. “We had significantly more intersections with the Social Democrats,” said Wegner, referring to the exploratory talks with the SPD and the Greens. The CDU had “agreed on a common path” with the SPD.

Already had on Wednesday the majority of the SPD leadership voted for talks with the CDU. However, within the SPD there is also criticism of the plans for a coalition with the CDU.

Coalition talks starting next week

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