Start of the semester in Munich: Living at the campsite – Munich

Living on the campsite at the start of the semester: The city should offer this to young people who come to Munich to study in the fall and absolutely cannot find an apartment. In a joint application, the green-red town hall coalition demands that the city administration should check “whether students can temporarily stay at the campsite in Thalkirchen or in the youth camp ‘The Tent'”.

According to the application published on Tuesday, the campsite should actually have free capacity after the Oktoberfest, “The Tent” in turn will actually be closed at the beginning of October, so it would have to stay open longer. The winter semester begins on October 16.

“The city of Munich is doing its utmost to alleviate the greatest need, especially among freshmen,” says Green City Councilor Sibylle Stöhr. Her coalition partner Simone Burger (SPD) also emphasizes that sleeping on the campsite can only be “an emergency solution”. Both agree that the Free State has a duty to create more living space for students. The student union needs more money to fix the vacancy of almost 1,500 apartments and to build new apartments. “Where you study shouldn’t depend on your parents’ wallets,” says Burger.

Another initiative to create new living space was launched this week by Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) together with Science Minister Markus Blume, Building Minister Christian Bernreiter (both CSU) and the student union: As every year, they published an appeal to all Munich residents, To rent rooms or apartments to students or to allow subletting. “Because every room can help, even if it’s only for a semester or two.” The Studentenwerk runs a free private room service for this purpose. In addition, the Neuhausen Seniors’ Club collects Offers for the “Housing for Help” concept.

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