Starnberg police send security guards onto the street – Starnberg

After intensive, three-week training with a completed exam, they can now go on patrol in Starnberg as a voluntary security guard. The first mission is in the “free night” from April 30th to May 1st. And they are looking forward to their future tasks: looking, intervening and reporting serious incidents to the Starnberg police. They are Brigitte Färber (57) from Wörthsee, Feldafingerin Irem Celik (23) and Tanka Schöppner (48), 19-year-old Ahmet Durnus and 43-year-old taxi operator Gökmen Aydogan who live in Starnberg.

Irem Celik completed an internship with the Gauting police as a student, but now works for an insurance company. Brigitte Färber once got upset about an incident in which she would have liked help and therefore feels motivated for this cause. Like the others, she will spend up to 15 hours a month with a small allowance in the district town in the future in the uniform of the security guard. “It will be exciting,” says the 57-year-old confidently. The trained tourism clerk is now one of the chosen helpers who were presented as members of the first civil security guard in the district on Tuesday in the Starnberg police station.

The chief of police emphasizes that security guards are not block wardens, black sheriffs or rambos

This is an important date because here “citizens take responsibility, show civil courage and pay attention to public safety and order,” said Günther Gietl, police chief of the Oberbayern Nord presidium Sheriffs or Rambos”. Because they acted prudently, sensibly, without false ambition – and should above all “show a visible presence”, Gietl explained the concept, which has already proven itself very well in other places in Bavaria. He hopes that there will be more Cities and municipalities are following this path.The President described the fact that four of the new Starnberg police assistants have a migration background as “lived integration”.

After the Starnberg city council had approved the security guard project by a large majority before the Corona period, 14 applicants originally applied. However, some of them were immediately sorted out as unsuitable because they had a criminal record, among other things, as reported by Starnberg’s police chief Bernd Matuschek and operations manager Kai Motschmann, who trained the quintet in 40 hours with colleagues. Motschmann said he was convinced that these five would do their job well, act with tact and proportionate. No one will play the hero when, for example, there are conflicts, arguments and trouble on the lake promenade, at the train stations or anywhere else. The uniformed security guards, who are equipped with flashlights, radios, first-aid kits and peppers, know exactly what they are authorized to do, such as issuing evictions or determining personal details.

The respective double patrols meet before their patrols in the Starnberg Police Inspectorate. There, the service group leader instructs them “on the situation” before the tour. The so-called Freinacht will be the first test.

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