“Star Trek: Picard”: A reunion with the cult stars

“Star Trek: Picard”
A reunion with the cult stars

LeVar Burton, Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner (front) and Whoopi Goldberg, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis and Wil Wheaton in ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’.

© imago images/Everett Collection

Special reunion for sci-fi fans: These “Starship Enterprise” actors return in “Star Trek: Picard”.

In “Star Trek: Picard” Sir Patrick Stewart (81) slips back into the iconic role of Jean-Luc Picard. In the upcoming third season, the “Spaceship Enterprise” captain will meet several members of his former crew. The streaming service Paramount+ has that announced with a trailer.

“I’m not a man who needs a legacy,” the aged Picard can be heard in the clip. He appears to be unpacking his old uniform before Jonathan Frakes, 69, is seen asking Stewart, “Ready?” His answer: “As usual.”

Crew reunited in Star Trek: Picard

This scene not only suggests that Commander William T. Riker (Frakes) from “Star Trek: The Next Century” (originally: “Star Trek: The Next Generation”) and his former captain are embarking on a new adventure. Other crew members from the cult series, which first appeared in the late 1980s, are also expected to be literally on board.

In addition to Stewart and Frakes, the trailer then lists five other actors who were part of the crew at the time. LeVar Burton (65, Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (69, Worf), Gates McFadden (73, Dr. Beverly Crusher), Marina Sirtis (67, Deanna Troi) and Brent Spiner (73, Data) will also return.

Spiner, Frakes and Sirtis had according to the industry magazine “The Hollywood Reporter” previously had minor roles in Star Trek: Picard. The new and probably last season will therefore consist of ten episodes.

Lead actor Stewart announced last September that there would be another season. A start date is not yet known. In Germany, sci-fi fans can see the first and currently the second season of the series on Amazon Prime Video.


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