Stability Pact: This is how the EU wants to relax the debt rules – Economy

stability pact


The EU wants to relax the debt rules

Reading time: 3 mins

Installation by the Italian artist Maupal in Rome: The government is struggling to comply with the debt rules from Brussels. Now they are relaxed.

(Photo: Filippo Monteforte/AFP)

The Commission wants to give countries like Italy more time to reduce their liabilities. In return, she wants to enforce the Stability Pact harder. Because even the nicest rules are useless if governments don’t comply with them.


Björn Finke, Brussels

Highly indebted euro countries such as Italy and Greece should be given more time to reduce their liabilities. At the same time, these EU rules on budgetary policy should be easier to understand and easier to enforce. These are the core points of the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact, which the EU Commission will present this Wednesday. the Southgerman newspaper got an insight into the concepts in advance. After the presentation, the 19 finance ministers of the states with the euro currency will discuss the proposals. The politicians had already met on Monday in Brussels. However, reform was not yet on the agenda there.

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