Stabbing attack in the Charleville-Mézières police station, the suspect hospitalized

Police officers were attacked with knives last night, inside the Charleville-Mézières police station. There are no injuries on the police side. The suspect, born in the Marne and 52 years old, was hit by police fire. This Monday afternoon, in a statement, the Charleville-Mézières prosecutor’s office gave more details on the course of events.

Shortly before two o’clock in the morning on Monday, a man presented himself at the Charleville-Mézières police station. He would have said he wanted “report crimes”to the police officer in charge of reception. The man pulls out a knife and tries to attack her. Another policeman arrives as reinforcements. He in turn is stabbed. A third then intervenes and fires, “one time only”according to the public prosecutor of Charleville-Mézières.

Magali Josse specifies that the suspect is injured in the hip, and that the police gave him first aid before help arrived. The man was taken to hospital and operated on.

An investigation is opened, the IPGN is seized

For the moment, we do not know the motives of the suspect, a man who has “recently had a stay in psychiatry”, specifies the parquet floor of Charleville-Mézières. A survey for “attempted murder against persons holding public authority” has been opened. The IGPN, the “font font”was also entered, as this is the case after each police shooting.

This Monday at the end of the afternoon, the suspect was still hospitalized, in intensive care. It has therefore not yet been heard. The sentence he incurs being more than twenty years of criminal imprisonment, the competence now falls to the criminal center of Reims. The Charleville public prosecutor’s office remains in charge of the component “IGPN survey”.

For his part, the mayor of Charleville Mézières, Boris Ravignon, expresses his “total solidarity with the police officers attacked last night”. On Twitter, the mayor of Charleville-Mézières expresses his “total solidarity with the police officers attacked last night”. Boris Ravignon “congratulations for their courage and professionalism in the face of a dangerous and determined individual”.

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