Spending your vacation in Pablo Escobar’s house in Cancun is possible

If you haven’t taken a vacation yet and you like unusual places, this destination is for you! Casa Malca, located in Tulum, just down the Caribbean coast of Mexico near Cancun, was the residence of the infamous Pablo Escobar. He allegedly used it for meetings with Mexican drug traffickers who helped him flood the United States with cocaine in the 1980s.

The building had been simply abandoned after the death of the drug lord in 1993, and it was not until 2003 that it was discovered until the Colombian art dealer Lio Malca bought it in 2012 .

A metamorphosis

Two years of renovation followed in order to transform the place into a space that could accommodate tourists and art lovers while preserving certain original aspects of the architecture. So a building that once had reinforced walls to withstand gunfire – and a tunnel to hide and escape – now serves as a place for meditation, while a man-made cenote (cenotes are natural wells often considered sacred in Mexico) has been installed in the pool area as well as a spa.

As you will have understood, the goal here is not to honor the memory of Pablo Escobar, quite the contrary, and lovers of contemporary art will enjoy Lio Malca’s collection, which includes statues by Jeff Koons and paintings by Basquiat. So obviously, the night will not be within the reach of all budgets, prices oscillating between 400 and 1,700 dollars depending on the period!

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