“Speed, Scalability, Regulation Will Play a Major Role in the Crypto Market in 2022: FTX CEO Says

Sam Bankman-Fried The founder and CEO of FTX, also known as “SBF,” wrapped up 2021 with optimism, with the SBF giving a brief look at the state of the crypto market in 2021, while unveiling its roadmap for FTX in 2022.

in his view There are three keys to industry advancement in 2022: regulation, scalability, and transaction speed. He offers a solution for each puzzle piece. with reference toactionparticipateof the FTX exchange

The SBF states that stablecoins need to be better reported and audited, saying that greater transparency would solve 80% of the problems while allowing stablecoins to grow.” Better market oversight and anti-fraud systems for token issuance could also address other regulatory gaps.

Second, as crypto users number about 200 million, “more blockchain network effects are needed to achieve broad mainstream adoption.”

The SBF explains that while smart contracts help pave the way for metaverses, decentralized finance, and Web 3.0 development, the video game segment could be a path to massive scale: “Accessing a video game user base. This could lead to billions of additional users and hundreds of billions of dollars each year.”

And finally, having digital currency transactions at the level of 50,000 transactions per second would not be enough for industrial use. which if there is no high speed The other two problems just couldn’t work well.

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