Speech before Knesset: Zelenskyj calls for more help from Israel

Status: 03/20/2022 11:02 p.m

In a speech before the Knesset, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy sharply criticized the Israeli government. According to Zelensky, indifference kills. Selenskyj’s words about a “final solution” caused irritation among some.

By Benjamin Hammer, ARD Studio Tel Aviv

In his speech, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he was certain that Israel felt the pain in Ukraine. But then he became clear: Why is Ukraine still waiting for help from Israel while other countries are already helping? Is it about indifference or political calculation? Kill indifference, said the Ukrainian president.

Israel is providing humanitarian aid in Ukraine and is currently setting up its own military hospital there. However, Israel does not supply weapons. This also happens with a view to the sensitive relationship with Russia, which is a military power in Israel’s neighboring country Syria. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett also wants to mediate between Moscow and Kyiv. Israel has not joined international sanctions against Russia. Selenskyj also criticized that – and praised Israel’s missile defense system in his video-transmitted speech. But it is very unlikely that Israel will deliver this to Ukraine.

Selenskyj irritates with statement about “final solution”

At one point, the Jewish President of Ukraine caused irritation among some members of parliament in Jerusalem. Russia uses Nazi words, said Selenskyj, and spoke of a “final solution”. However, this is now directed against Ukraine. An Israeli minister said he admires the Ukrainian president. But the history of the Holocaust cannot be rewritten.

Israel’s role between Russia and Ukraine

Sophie von der Tann, ARD Tel Aviv, daily topics 10:45 p.m., March 20, 2022

The national Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem became clearer. Although she avoided naming the Ukrainian president directly, she said in a statement: Such irresponsible statements trivialize the historical facts of the Holocaust.

Speech to the Knesset: Ukrainian President clearly criticizes Israel

Benjamin Hammer, ARD Tel Aviv, 20.3.2022 9:04 p.m

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