Species protection: act instead of gossiping – Bavaria

Maybe it’s because Thomas Habermann is a lawyer and, thanks to his training, knows much better than many politicians what the laws allow and what they don’t. And maybe the Franconians are actually a lot more relaxed by nature and don’t get angry as easily as the Upper Bavarians. Whatever the case, when it comes to dealing with wolves, the CSU man and district administrator of the Rhön-Grabfeld district displays a pragmatic attitude that has so far been in vain for the whole of Bavaria, including Prime Minister Markus Söder and his deputy Hubert Aiwanger wishes. It says: Even if we don’t like the wolf, we respect the strict protection it is under and do what we are told to do to protect our sheep, goats and other farm animals in the pastures from them. At the same time, we use the options provided by the nature conservation law if someone intrudes. Fast, efficient and transparent.

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