Special program launched: billions for bridge renovation

As of: 23.09.2021 12:39 p.m.

According to the Ministry of Transport, more than two billion euros will be invested in the modernization of motorway bridges in the coming years. Both the renovation of bridges and new buildings are planned.

Over the next five years, more than two billion euros are to be invested in the modernization of bridges on important and heavily traveled motorway routes in Germany. The Federal Ministry of Transport, together with the Autobahn GmbH of the federal government, has determined the corresponding routes, as the ministry announced.

Accordingly, it is about the special program “Bridge Link”, with which the work on particularly important, heavily used sections of the route should be accelerated. It concerns the renovation of bridges and new buildings.

Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer said it was important that bridges were and remained in good and efficient condition. More than two billion euros would be invested by 2026.

Focus on five sections

Specifically, according to the ministry, bridges are to be modernized on five sections of the route. On the A1 motorway, it is the section from the Osnabrück-Hafen junction in Lower Saxony to Ascheberg (North Rhine-Westphalia) and the section from Kamener Kreuz to Wuppertal-Langerfeld (North Rhine-Westphalia).

The A3 is about the route from the Frankfurt motorway junction to Aschaffenburg-Ost and the section from the Fürth / Erlangen junction to Rosenhof (Bavaria). Next on the list is the A7 with the section from the Hattenbach triangle (Hesse) to the Biebelried junction (Bavaria).

Six to eight lane expansion planned

In some cases, these routes are about a six- to eight-lane expansion. All in all, these five sections are about the modernization of 515 bridge structures.

According to the ministry, there are almost 40,000 bridges and almost 52,000 bridge partial structures in the network of German motorways and federal highways – if a bridge has a separate structure for each lane, this bridge consists of two partial structures.

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