SPD: Special party conference votes for the Ampel coalition agreement

See in the video: SPD party congress votes for traffic light coalition agreement.

The extraordinary SPD party congress on Saturday approved the coalition agreement with the Greens and the FDP to form the first traffic light coalition at federal level with a large majority. Before the signing, scheduled for Tuesday, only the FDP and the Greens have to approve the merger. Chancellor-designate Olaf Scholz had previously asked for approval of the Ampel coalition agreement in his speech and promised the implementation of central SPD demands such as an increase in the minimum wage. “And for everyone it means giving each other a jolt. But I have the feeling that all three parties like it very much. And there was more out of this election than a result where you can’t do anything else Rather, it is possible for a government to take office, and I want to repeat that here again, in order to work together on friendly terms and to be re-elected is not done in four years. Rather, it is a matter of sticking with it and keeping things going and continually following things up That shouldn’t lead us into not doing things now, because you don’t see an hour later, a day later, a week later, a month a year later that it immediately e has brought something. ” The SPD sharply condemned the corona protests in front of the house of the Saxon Health Minister Petra Köpping. The outgoing SPD co-leader Norbert Walter-Borjans: “Well, I know that Petra Köpping is also sitting here at her screen and Petra, you have our full solidarity. What was going on in front of your house yesterday evening nothing more to do with democratic expression of opinion. That is fascistoid. ” According to the police, about 30 people took part in a meeting in front of the SPD politician’s house with drums, torches, whistles and posters on Friday evening. They tried to flee when the police arrived. 15 cars were reportedly stopped and the identities of 25 people were determined.

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