SPD, Greens, FDP: Ominous nuances from traffic lights to traffic lights

It’s still squeaking
Ominous nuances from the traffic lights over the traffic lights

Traffic light partners among themselves: Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP)

© Michael Kappeler / DPA

Is that already “wild boar” level? The traffic light coalition is not that bad. Nevertheless, the mood remains noticeably tense.

Some had a cautious suspicion of “cucumber troops” against the traffic light when the coalition cracked again. In fact, the SPD, the Greens and the FDP, who actually still have most of their term in office ahead of them, have already engaged in some vigorous verbal battles with one another. It started with protection against infection and fuel discounts and ended with heating hammers and household hacks. But the political debate has not yet reached the “wild boar” level.

So far, no one in the traffic light coalition has unpacked comparable vocabulary such as “cucumber troops” or “wild boar” as they once did within the “desired coalition” of Union and FDP were exchanged, when a long-lasting quarrel about the introduction of a capitation fee escalated. Nor was a coalition partner one accused of “smear campaign”.as was the case in the grand coalition, when the CDU and SPD were arguing about the genesis of the “breaking of taboos in Thuringia”.

Of course, even within the self-proclaimed “progress coalition” made up of the SPD, Greens and FDP, criticism is not spared. What is striking, however, is how often the joint project is addressed to itself – or to the person who is responsible for it in his office: Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Satisfaction with traffic lights at record low

“The Scholz-SPD is no longer the natural ally of the Greens,” said Anton Hofreiter recently “World on Sunday” on record. The Greens MP and Chair of the European Committee had already complained about Scholz’s reluctance to give arms to Ukraine, also in solidarity with Marie-Agnes Strack Zimmermann (FDP) and Michael Roth (SPD) – who denied the “Boys and girls” then made an announcement. Now Hofreiter sees the relationship with the Social Democrats as a whole.

The hour-long struggle over climate policy in the last coalition committee has obviously left its mark, especially on the Greens, who since then have believed themselves to be facing an ominous alliance of Chancellor, SPD and FDP. Even before the marathon meeting, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck had announced his frustration with the traffic light work in this field and warned that the government was gambling away its trust. “The traffic light could also govern better than it does”, also found Winfried Kretschmann, the Green Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, who sent afterwards with a view to the night sessions in Berlin: “I think holding 19-hour sessions is a sign of the Chancellor’s weakness in leadership.” It was then around 30 hours.

At least the FDP – which some time ago attributed its poor performance in the state elections to traffic light participation (e.g. here and here) – appears to have calmed down. She, too, had implored the chancellor before the coalition committee to show more leadership and himself more concerned with the conflicts in the coalition. He obviously did that, with the result: The Liberals are considered the winners on points – at the expense of the Greens.

In any case, Scholz is “an absolutely reliable Chancellor,” said Member of the Executive Committee Michael Theurer on Monday “Daily Mirror” quoted. “Despite some resistance, he kept his promise to us to cut taxes, as well as his promise to the Greens to phase out nuclear power.” Party deputy Wolfgang Kubicki, who is better known for dishing out traffic lights and the Greens in particular, told the newspaper that the traffic lights were a “successful coalition with no good alternative”.

Public perception, however, is different. In the current ARD “Germany trend” satisfaction with the traffic light is at a record low, according to which a majority of 71 percent are less or not at all satisfied with the work of the federal government, whereas only 27 percent of those entitled to vote stated that they were satisfied or even very satisfied. In a Forsa survey commissioned by the starPartners RTL and ntv are for the first time more people in favor of CDU leader Friedrich Merz than for Olaf Scholz as Chancellor. The Union can also score points on the Sunday question.

And the coalition gossip doesn’t stop, although it has been handed down since Rolf Mützenich at the latest: “Self-portrayal doesn’t help anyone”, as the SPD faction leader put on record, annoyed by the tussle between the Greens and the FDP. The SPD criticizes the FDP blockade in the basic child security system FDP the Green blockade in the continued operation of the nuclear power plant, and the Greens are disappointed after the perceived SPD-FDP blockade in terms of climate protection: “More is not possible in this coalition,” said a resigned Habeck after the coalition committee.

The mood remains tense, and the ominous nuances from the coalition about the coalition should not least give the chancellor pause if he wants to achieve the goal he has set himself. “Of course I’m going,” said Scholz on the occasion of the first anniversary of the traffic light. The governing coalition should be in such a good position by the end of the legislative period that it can be re-elected.

It is questionable whether the strategy of the “Scholz-SPD” as a reserved mediator and moderator will work (Here you can read more about it). At least all sides have expressed the desire to present a more uniform picture again. “In a government, it also jerks. In the future, there may be less jerks again,” said Green co-leader Ricarda Lang. FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai called for the coalition to make it clear “that it is pulling together.” The SPD co-chairman Klingbeil appealed: “The public dispute of the last few days, the mutual reproach, that’s not what we need right now to move the country forward. That’s what this coalition will ultimately be measured against”.

The statements were made before the night session in the Chancellery.

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