SPD festival: the police are investigating a knockout drop attack

Status: 09.07.2022 3:18 p.m

At least five women were apparently given co-drops at the summer party of the SPD parliamentary group on Wednesday. This was explained by the criminal police, who have started investigations against unknown persons.

After an alleged knockout drop attack at the summer party of the SPD parliamentary group, the Berlin criminal police are investigating because of dangerous bodily harm. By morning, a total of five affected women had been registered, the police said. Investigated against unknown. The incident is said to have happened on Wednesday evening at a party with around 1,000 guests in the Tipi tent at the Berlin Chancellery. Chancellor Olaf Scholz was also among the participants.

First, a 21-year-old woman complained of malaise, dizziness and memory loss after attending the party festival, the investigators said. The woman had eaten and drunk at the party on Wednesday afternoons and evenings, but had not consumed any alcohol. From around 9.30 p.m. she is said to have become unwell and dizzy. The morning after, she couldn’t remember the evening, had herself examined at the hospital and called the police. According to their own statements, this prompted a blood test and a toxicological examination. A police spokeswoman said the results were not yet available.

No information about other crimes

The SPD had already expressed shock on Friday. “This is an outrageous event, which we immediately reported to the Bundestag police,” said the SPD parliamentary group leader Mathias Martin in a letter to MPs and employees. He recommended that those affected file a police report.

The parliamentary manager of the parliamentary group, Katja Mast, wrote on Twitter: “We are all appalled by this incredible process.” She also advised all those affected to report the crime. The “Tagesspiegel” quoted from an internal party chat in which eight people were affected. According to their own statements, neither the parliamentary group nor the police have any knowledge of other crimes such as possible sexual assaults or thefts.

Entry for invited guests only

The SPD member of the Bundestag Ariane FAscher was also at the festival. She told the “Märkische Oderzeitung”: “I didn’t notice anything on site. None of my employees noticed anything either.” She wishes that the incident would be cleared up “transparently and relentlessly”. “Such a festival takes place in a fairly familiar setting. It’s all the more frightening when you don’t feel safe anymore.”

According to the information, only guests with a personal invitation were admitted. It was an “internal event” with MPs, parliamentary group employees and employees from the constituencies, said the parliamentary group spokesman.

So-called knockout drops are drugs that sedate or render victims defenseless and cause memory loss. The police repeatedly warn of criminals who mix the substances in drinks at parties or in clubs and steal from or sexually abuse victims. Investigations are considered difficult because victims often do not remember.

Apparently a knockout drop attack at the SPD faction party

Kai Küstner, ARD Berlin, 07/09/2022 06:24 a.m

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