SPD demands expansion of flood protection – Bavaria

The state parliament SPD calls for a major flood check for Bavaria, with which the previous measures on rivers and water bodies are checked and further precautionary options are explored. “For the safety of the people in Bavaria, we have to know where we stand,” said SPD parliamentary group leader Florian von Brunn on Tuesday in Munich. His group had commissioned a report on how to deal with flash floods at the Technical University (TU). This comes to the conclusion that, among other things, responsibilities for emergencies should be better clarified and citizens should be informed at an early stage. In addition, disaster control exercises would have to be carried out regularly and self-precautionary measures would have to be strengthened through subsidies. The Free State is investing a lot of money in flood protection, but there are still significant deficits, said von Brunn. There are still no flash flood warning maps and so far only 75 municipalities have received funding for flash flood risk management. “That’s not even four percent of all municipalities, markets and cities in Bavaria.” This also applies to the promotion of water retention in the cities.

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