SPD apparently only 53 votes ahead of the Greens – politics

Several media reports that the gap between the parties in the final election result in Berlin has shrunk even further. Actually, the figures should not be published until Monday.

Apparently, the gap between the SPD and the Greens in the subsequent election to the House of Representatives in Berlin is only minimal. As can be seen from the final election results leaked to the media, Berlin’s Mayor Franziska Giffey’s SPD is just 53 votes ahead of the Greens. The RBB reports that it has the numbers, including those Picture had written about the conceivably close election result.

So the gap between the SPD and the Greens would be even smaller than it already is – on election day it was said that the SPD landed 105 votes ahead of the Greens. Shortly after the election, hundreds of postal ballots were found that had not been counted.

On Monday, the state returning officer wants to announce the official result of the repeat election that took place two weeks ago. The election had to be repeated due to serious glitches in the original one.

According to the preliminary result, the CDU clearly won the repeat election with 28.2 percent. SPD and Greens both got 18.4 percent. The left came to 12.2 percent in the election, the AfD to 9.1 percent. The FDP flew out of parliament with 4.6 percent.

It is unclear what the future government in the capital should look like. Despite the defeat against the CDU and the minimal lead, Franziska Giffey wants to continue governing. But a coalition between the CDU and the Greens also seems possible, even if the Greens had already signaled that they wanted to continue in the red-green-red state government.

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