“Spätschicht”: SWR deletes episode from media library after criticism

“Late layer”
SWR deletes episode from media library after criticism

Cabaret artist Lisa Fitz at an appearance last year.

© imago images / BOBO

After criticizing Lisa Fitz’s appearance in a “late shift” edition, the SWR has now taken the episode offline.

In the discussion about the controversial appearance of the cabaret artist Lisa Fitz (70) in the SWR comedy show “Spätschicht”, the station has now turned around 180 degrees. In a statement the SWR refrains from an earlier statement in which it declared Fitz’s statements as freedom of expression. “Freedom of expression is very important to us. Nevertheless, the first reaction was wrong because it is not about expressing an opinion,” says Clemens Bratzler, SWR program director for information, sport, fiction, service and entertainment.

“The freedom of expression (…) does not apply indefinitely, but also ends in a comedy or satirical broadcast in the event of false statements of fact,” he is quoted further. The issue of the “late shift” will now be depublished both in the ARD media library and on all SWR platforms and channels. Lisa Fitz had spread conspiracy myths about the corona pandemic in the “Spätschicht” issue of December 10th. Sender 3sat, which regularly repeats the “late shift”, therefore did not broadcast the episode and did not put it in the media library.


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