Sparkasse in Neunkirchen protects the homeless from harassment

Sparkasse offers homeless people shelter – and defends them against unfriendly customers

Homelessness can be life-threatening, especially in winter

© Paul Bradbury / Getty Images

A Sparkasse branch in Neunkirchen, Saarland, leaves the doors open to the homeless at night. Apparently not everyone likes that – the bank reacts with a clear statement.

The cold season in particular poses an existential challenge for the homeless. Even when the temperature is below zero, many people who do not have a home have to spend the night outside and sometimes even endanger their lives. That’s why they appreciate any shelter where they can find some warmth and security.

In Neunkirchen, Saarland, some homeless people are looking for shelter in the premises of a branch of the municipal savings bank. The doors are also open overnight so that people in need can find shelter there. Apparently, however, this philanthropic gesture caused displeasure among some customers. At least the savings bank felt compelled to react to this in a notice with clear words. A photo of the note was posted on the “Neunkirchen (Saar)” Facebook page.

Sparkasse appeals: “Show humanity”

The notice is directed “to those who bother homeless people at night”. “If a bank branch decides to keep their automatic doors open during the cold season, you can be sure they won’t mind homeless people taking shelter from the cold.” The Sparkasse points out that other banks would handle this differently in winter.

The company’s own customers should be grateful “that they don’t have to stand in front of closed doors in winter, but can fall back on a warm bed,” the text says. Instead, the bank appeals to the customers’ understanding: “They don’t know why the other person isn’t so lucky.” The final wish of the Sparkasse in Neunkirchen: “Show humanity! It’s bad enough.”

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For this statement and the help for the homeless, which is not a matter of course, the Sparkasse has received recognition far beyond the city of Saarland. The post has already been shared 1,600 times on Facebook. Many users are moved: “That impresses me a lot right now,” writes one user in the comments, for example, and someone else says: “Respect, others should join in.”

Source: Neunkirchen (Saarland) on Facebook


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