Spain: spectators wanted to run over players

Spain: spectators wanted to run over players

A car sped unchecked towards the visiting team after a Spanish fourth division game. Three people were injured.

In Spain, a fourth division match between CD Quintanar and CD Atletico Tomelloso (1-0) saw shocking scenes. A scandal broke out after the final whistle.

When the Tomelloso team made their way to the team bus, an SUV suddenly sped in the direction of the team and made no move to slow down.

“About ten minutes later, these two people at the wheel of an off-road vehicle tried to run over our staff and the coaching staff and then fled,” the club said in a statement. Two people are said to have insulted the team after the game.

Media: Two perpetrators already identified

Three people were injured in the attack. “Our physiotherapist Marta, our equipment manager Jose and our player Jose Luis Gallego,” confirmed the club. According to media reports, the police have already identified the two perpetrators.

The hosts also responded to the incident: “Our club wishes Atletico Tomelloso a safe return trip, we regret the incident, which is alien to our club philosophy, and we are glad that nothing serious has happened.”


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