Spain, Ireland and Norway want to recognize the Palestinian state

As of: May 22, 2024 10:34 a.m

Spain and Ireland, like Norway, want to officially recognize a Palestinian state next week. Israel reacted promptly and withdrew its ambassadors from Ireland and Norway. A similar step is looming for Spain.

Norway and the EU countries Ireland and Spain want to recognize Palestine as a state. This was announced by the respective Prime Ministers of the states. According to the announcement by Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, the Scandinavian country’s recognition of Palestine will take place on May 28.

Ireland and Spain also want to announce the official recognition of a state of Palestine on this day, as the heads of government of the countries, Simon Harris and Pedro Sánchez, announced.

Irish Prime Minister Harris spoke at the announcement in Dublin of a “historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine”. An Irish government spokesman had previously announced that the move was intended to keep the option of a two-state solution alive.

“Fundamental, independent right to one’s own state”

A press release from the Norwegian government said: “Palestinians have a fundamental, independent right to their own state. Both Israelis and Palestinians have the right to live in peace in separate states. There can be no peace in the Middle East without a two-state solution give”.

Sweden recognized Palestine as a state ten years ago. However, critics complain that the Palestinian territories lack important criteria for such a step. For example, the border between Israel and the Palestinians remains controversial. This also applies to the political status of East Jerusalem.

Israel recalls its ambassadors

Following the announcements, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz recalled his country’s ambassadors to Ireland and Norway for immediate consultations. “I am sending a clear and unequivocal message to Ireland and Norway: Israel will not remain silent in the face of those who undermine its sovereignty and threaten its security,” Katz wrote on Platform X. “Today’s decision sends a message to the Palestinians and the world: terrorism pays,” Katz said.

The recognition is an injustice to the memory of the victims of October 7th, when the Islamist Hamas carried out a massacre in Israel with its terrorist attack that killed more than 1,200 Israelis. “Israel will not remain silent – there will be further serious consequences,” wrote Katz, announcing similar steps for Spain.

Israel had previously strictly rejected the recognition of Palestine. “By pushing for a Palestinian state, you are telling murderers and rapists that terror pays,” said Israel’s UN ambassador Gilad Erdan recently when the UN General Assembly strengthened the status of Palestine. The Palestinian Authority does not meet the criteria for statehood.

Madrid has repeatedly called for recognition of Palestine

Spain and Ireland are among the critics in Europe of Israel’s military action in the Gaza Strip. The left-wing government in Madrid suspended all arms exports to Israel in October. Prime Minister Sánchez had spent months lobbying European and Middle Eastern countries for the recognition of Palestine and a ceasefire in the Gaza war.

The recognition is right because “it is in Europe’s geopolitical interest and because the international community cannot help the Palestinian state if it does not recognize it,” said Sánchez. One of the most deplorable humanitarian disasters of this century is taking place in Gaza.

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