Space: Russia wants to explore Venus together with the USA

Russia wants to explore Venus together with the USA

Russia wants to explore the planet Venus together with the USA. Photo: JPL-Caltech / NASA / AP / dpa

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Russia and the US have announced that they want to work together in space. At least when exploring a planet.

Russia wants to explore the planet Venus together with the USA.

“We have agreed with the Americans on a joint mission to Venus,” said the head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, Dmitri Rogozin, in an interview with journalist Vladimir Solovyov on YouTube on Sunday night. Together it is easier to approach the task from an economic and technical point of view, for example.

“Such problems can be solved more easily together by using the talents of our scientists.” The US is also interested, said Rogozin. He did not give a schedule.

The neighboring planet Venus is similar in size to the earth, but is wrapped in a dense cloud cover. Due to a strong greenhouse effect, there are several hundred degrees Celsius on the surface.

Russia had already announced a mission to Venus last year. At the time, it was said that a probe could launch in the years 2027 to 2029. Most recently, the United Arab Emirates announced that they would like to explore the planet.


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