Space graphic shows size of objects in our solar system (video)

Watch the video: Exciting animation shows true size of objects in our solar system.

The objects in our solar system not only have completely different sizes, they also move at different speeds. This animation by British astronomer James O’Donoghue shows how large the planets are and how fast they rotate in relation to each other.

The smallest celestial bodies include the Moon, Pluto, and Ceres, a dwarf planet orbiting the Sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Then come Mercury, Mars, Venus and Earth. While Mars and Earth rotate quickly on their own axis, Venus and Mercury move very slowly on their own axis. Venus is the only planet that takes longer to rotate on its own than it does to orbit the sun.

It continues with the two blue ice giants Neptune and Uranus. But even these look like ping-pong balls against the size of Saturn and Jupiter — Earth looks as small as a marble.

Compared to the sun, the planetary giants also shrink to manageable small objects. The earth can hardly be made out in comparison to our star.

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