Southeastern Europe: Baerbock: Balkans not left to Russian influence

Southeastern Europe
Baerbock: Balkans not left to Russia’s influence

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen). Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa-POOL/dpa/archive image

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Before her trip to the Balkans, Annalena Baerbock is campaigning for greater European involvement in the region. The conflict with Russia also plays a role.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called for greater European commitment to the Balkan countries.

“The Russian attack on Ukraine is a turning point that clearly shows that Europe must be prepared to invest strategically in its long-term security,” said the Green politician on Wednesday before she left for a multi-day trip to the Balkans and the republic Moldova. This applies in particular to relations with the countries of the Western Balkans. “Today’s peace in the Western Balkans may not be perfect – but it is precious,” emphasized Baerbock.

“We have disappointed and neglected many of these countries in recent years,” admitted the minister. “Actors like Russia, who have no interest in a European future and do not shy away from stirring up unresolved conflicts, are pushing into this open flank.” Above all, she wanted to listen to what the people expected in the Western Balkans – “but also to make it clear that we will not leave this region in the heart of Europe to Moscow’s influence”.

Baerbock: Investments planned

Baerbock explained that Germany has a fundamental interest in a politically stable and economically prosperous Balkans, whose states are oriented towards Europe. The federal government will work to achieve this, also with strategic investments, especially in renewable energies.

Baerbock first wants to meet her counterpart Bisera Turkovic this Thursday in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Later, a meeting is planned with the high representative of the international community, the former CSU federal politician Christian Schmidt. Schmidt recently warned against a split in the country in view of the nationalist tendencies of the Serb leader Milorad Dodik and brought up sanctions by the EU. The minister then wants to visit Kosovo and Serbia on Thursday and Friday.

Baerbock talks are planned for Saturday in Moldova, which borders Ukraine. She wanted to get a direct picture of how the government there could be supported even more comprehensively. “We will not allow the shock waves caused by Russia to spill over to other countries in Europe,” emphasized Baerbock. Moldova can rely on German and European solidarity.


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