South America: Bolsonaro supporters invade Congress in Brazil

South America
Bolsonaro supporters invade Congress in Brazil

Jair Bolsonaro was voted out as Brazilian President in October. photo

© Eraldo Peres/AP/dpa/Archive

Jair Bolsonaro never explicitly acknowledged his electoral defeat. Since then, his radical supporters have repeatedly protested against Lula’s victory. Now they stormed Parliament.

Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro have stormed the congress in the capital Brasília. They smashed the windows of the facade and entered the entrance hall, as was seen on Globo TV on Sunday.

Right-wing President Bolsonaro lost to left-wing politician Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the runoff last October and left office at the turn of the year. He never explicitly acknowledged his defeat. Even after the election, radical supporters of the ex-military had repeatedly protested against Lula’s victory and called on the country’s armed forces to stage a military coup.


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